Beachbody Mobile

The Beachbody Company is a American fitness app. More Than One Million use Beachbody app to reach their health and fitness Goals in their living room across America.

Beachbody mobile app provide their subscribed users access to all the Beachbody on demand videos, also proved tools to track their progress targets on weight lose and nutritional needs.

My Role
Tool Used
UX / UI Designer
Final Mockup & Spec
Beachbody subscribers
My Role
Tool Used
UX / UI Designer
Final Mockup & Spec
Beachbody subscribers

My Progress redesign


Redesign progress section with new updated visual and new brand looks and feel. The updated UI should allow user to have more interaction options with clear data represented, and also be able to compare up to 3 index at the same time.

  1. Redesign progress section with new updated visual and new brand looks and feel.

  2. The updated UI should allow user have more interaction options with clear data represented.

  3. Compare up to 3 index at the same time.


Original design

Log screen: Choose date and input category

Input data: Measurement

Setting: Activity type and time range

Vibe Index


Create a rating system for the new Beachbody Vibe index experience

  1. Determine levels of rating system by reviewing user data

  2. Research and white boarding on current competitors and similar product look and feel

  3. Explore visual design option within the brand guideline.

Design exploration